Gates, xxx
Warm Blanket Blues

Would I spend the end of my days at work?
Would I spend the last moments online?
Watching Mike & Molly? Eating fries?
Listening to how it's all going to end,
get worse, get poor, get fat, get dead?
I fear that we want to feel fear everyday
no more of this the-only-fear-is-fearing-fear nonsense.
It’s almost weekly, pull the blanket off at 7:30 a.m.
in the middle of snowstorm-January, full lights fear.
To listen to the fear and anger and stress
of 2 billion people day in, day out is exhausting.

Where's our Sunday? Where's my Sunday,
curled up next to you. Warm and calm and sleepy.
Vegetable soup simmering in the next room.
Your hand petting my arm, laughing at the funny song
our two year old sings. My blanket of love
wrapped warmly around us protecting me
and you and her from all the negatively fearful energy
that poses the real threat, taking away our Sunday rest,
leaving us vulnerable to all this stress.

~ Lindsey Buis               

“I wish for you Tranquility and Laughter.”